Monday, December 5, 2016

Candy Cane Gram Sale Dec 9-15

For $1 send a candy cane and a note of kindness to someone.
Student council will be selling candy canes with a note card at lunch in the student center. The candy canes and note will be passed out the following day during 3rd period. Make someone smile with a Candy Gram.  

Family at home are welcome to send a candy gram by dropping off a note with the student's name on it and $1.00 in the office(McCool's teacher box) or drop by the student center at lunch and purchase one. 

Sunday, November 20, 2016

2016 1st Quarter Reward Trip to Putters and Strike City

We all had an amazing time with friends Friday bowling, mini-golfing, gaming, laser tagging, eating and laughing! Congratulations to all who earned the trip and keep up the good work! (Reminder that Q2 criteria is C's or above in all classes and positive billie behavior)

PHCT performance of Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

Excellent performance by a talented cast of Pleasant Hill Students! Thank you for your hard work in the performing arts!

8th Grade Salmon Watch 2016

Fantastic Fun Finding Fish and studying the environment they thrive in... Thank you volunteers!

Forest Field Day 2016

A successful day learning how to manage a forest!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

"Freaky Friday Night Dance" 2016

7th and 8th Grade students looked fantastic in their costumes and had a great time at the dance Friday!! Pleasant Hill students stepped up to the occasion and had a fun time.
Terrific job dance committee! Thank you for your hard work and time you put into creating a positive experience for your friends!

(Sorry, only a few pics during a group dance)

Friday, September 30, 2016

Show your Billie Pride Homecoming Spirit Week Oct 3-7 !!

*Show your spirit by dressing up next week...
(Friendly competition between grades for the Junior Billie Cup, Classes will earn points for the number of participants)
Monday Merica Day - red, white and blue
Tuesday PJ Day - appropriate jammies  (middle school)
Wednesday Class Color Day - 8th gr - BLUE,  7th gr- ORANGE,  6th gr- YELLOW
Thursday College Day - wear your favorite college gear/colors
Fired Up Friday - Blue and gold billie gear

*Learn the PH Fight song and show support for our fall teams and class competitions at our Pep Assembly Friday at the end of 7th period ( in the small gym)

*Attend the High School Football game at 7pm and stay for the half time class floats (grades 9-12) and homecoming court.

**Middle School dance, 7-8 grade, will be Friday Oct 28th "Friday Night Frights Halloween Dance" 3:15-5. Cost $3 or $2 with a costume. Snacks included

Monday, September 19, 2016

Successful start to a new school year!

7th and 8th grade students have adapted and worked together as a team to create a positive climate in our new school the past couple of weeks - thank you!

We are learning together and excited for 2016/2017 school year!

Waiting to get started in our 8th grade LA class period 1.

Reading ? in our Per 2 8th Grade LA class

Working on projects in Per 3 7th Grade Geography class

Reading in our Per 5 8th Grade LA class

Excited 7th Grade Geography class period 6